Our titles for our film at AS were quite simple, and were used to convey our film genre. This year we are hoping for a dramatic effect. As if we got the wrong titles, they would look out of of place in relation to our film.
One part of the titles is the film production companies. Some examples 20th century fox television, paramount and universal. These are used for advertising purposes and so that audiences will recognise them.

We looked at titles before the filming of our 5 minute film, and we made a short video conveying our different options of titles. Personally, I didn't like the first one as it didn't represent the genre of our film- it gives off a 'silent movie' vibe, and wouldn't suit our genre of drama.
See Me
See Me is a short film which i analysed on my research page. I looked at the title sequence to analyse. The titles are at the beginning of the film, introducing the production company, the distribution company and the name of the film. There is also background music of girls laughing and some music. The writing is white and on a black background, with the font being quite basic. The white colour grabs the attention of the audience.
At the end of the short film, the end credits roll, also with the same font and the same colour scheme. There is also different music playing. The end credits show the audiences who the actors were, who it was written by and who produced it.

Sound is one of the most important features in a film, whether it's a short film or not. They give off how the audience should be feeling. There are many examples of this, for example in a horror movie, suspenseful music will play to make the audience feel scared as they know something is about to happen. The music helps set an atmosphere for the film.
For our film this year, we would be using diegetic and non- diegetic sound.
- Non-Diegetic sound is sound that is not visible on screen. So for our film this would be the background music that we are using
- Diegetic sound is sound that is visible on the screen. In our film this year, this would be the speech between Ava, Louise, the bullies and the mother.
For our film, we decided, after filming that we would need background music, as it would be too quiet. We decided we would need music where Ava is having her home, as that is quite an important scene in our film, and it is quite 'sad'. We looked through music, and we came up with a couple that we liked, and we decided to choose between these 4:
Elton John= I guess thas why they call it the blues
Coldplay- Pareadise
-Meatloaf- I'd do anything for love
-Run- Daughter
In the end, Sam and I decided that Run- Daughter would be best suited for the scene where we need music. The music is good as it is quite sad music and fits in the genre of the film and what is happening in that film.