For our film, we need several different locations. These included a house, a school, a bus and the train station. Firstly, we had to ask permission from the bus station to film on a bus. We found the email address for More Bus. We chose this bus as it is a well known bus and it is in our area, We emailed them early on to give them time to respond and to leave us time to plan if they said we couldn't film. Luckily, they got back to us within 3 days saying we could film.

When we first started filming, we came up with the idea of filming on a double decker bus. We thought this would be easier as there would be less disturbance to other passengers, and it would be less people as there is more room.
Like our AS film, we needed a house to film in. In the end, we decided to film at my house. This was because my mum and dad are actors in our film, and therefore it would be easier for them. The scenes shot at my house were:
Ava getting up and ready for school. This scene was shot in my bedroom and bathroom.
Ava eating her breakfast and talking to her parents. This was shot in my kitchen.
Ava arriving home from school, and talking to 'her' mum. This was shot in my living room.
Ava packing her bag and leaving the house to run away. This was also shot in my room.
There were a couple of problems with filming at my house. As i have 2 dogs, they were always getting in the way. Also, i live quite far away and in the middle of nowhere, therefore getting to my house is a struggle. This means that we had to plan before hand.
Also, we needed a school to film in. Parkstone Grammar School seemed the best place as this is where all our actors are, and we can either film after school or in a study period. As both Sam and I are also in this school, it would be easy for us to find an empty classroom to film. Also, just this year PGS created some gazebos and tables outside so this would be perfect for our film. We would use this for the outdoor scene where Ava see's the bullies talking to Louise and her walking off.
We would also need the school toilets to film Ava sitting eating her lunch alone. We decided the english toilets would be the best place as they are the cleanest, and one of the most modern toilets.
For the classroom scene, we needed one that was empty. We just decided that on the day of filming we would find a classroom that was free.

Our last place we had to film was the train station. We only had to film outside the train station however. We decided to film at Poole train station as this was easiest to get to and had everything we needed. We had to film Ava 'buying' a ticket from the machine. We also had to film a train going past as if Ava is on it. Trains at Poole station are regular, therefore it was easy to get this footage. We weren't allowed on the platform as we didn't have a ticket, therefore we had to do it from quite far away. Also, Poole train station is quite busy, which was good for us as it will make the film more realistic and atmospheric.