When researching audience, the BBFC website gives a clear definition of the age restrictions for films and programmes. When deciding the age restriction, the guidelines take into account different factors such as 'discrimination, drugs, horror, language, imitable behaviour, nudity, sex, sexual violence, theme and violence' however they also consider how it makes the audience feel (the impact of the film) and the release format.
Most dramas range from a PG-13 (Titanic) to 18 (The wolf of wall street)

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.
Films related to our film (bullying films) are mostly aimed at 13 years plus. Cyberbully is aimed at PG-13, as is Mean Girls. Our film's target audience is going to be for 15+.This is due to the discriminatory language going to be used. There could also be strong language used, which may not be used for younger viewers.