This year, for our questionnaire we used survey monkey again. We conducted our questionnaire inviting different age groups to answer our questions, In total, there were 6 questions with a total of 18 responses. This helped us decide our target audience and has given us different ideas for our film. One of the first questions that was asked was their age. This helps us give us an idea of our target audience, and what age of people would be interested in our film.
The next question we asked was how often our respondents watched a short film. This was an important question as we wanted to know how often our target audience watched short films and whether they enjoyed them.
We then asked what made them want to see a short film and what influenced them to watch it. This gave us an idea what to focus on for our film, and which factors aren't that important. Next, we asked what the most important convention is when you are watching a drama. This was to find out what our audience feel is essential when watching a drama.
Our fifth question was how often do you watch dramas? We needed to ask this question to find out how regular our target audience watch dramas. Our final question was have you watched any of these dramas? with a list of films. This helps us decide what is the 'best' drama in their opinion, and can watch that film and give us some ideas for our film.

Our first question was to get an idea of what ages were answering our survey. Through our results, 72.22% (13) of our respondents were aged between 16 and 24. This gives us a certain idea that our target audience is going to be 15+. In second place was 50+ with 2 people.

Our second question was 'How often do you watch short films?' We asked this question to find our whether our target audience watch short films regularly. Through this question, we found that most people watch short films a few times a month, with 44.44% (8 people) However, with this question. we found that one person never watches short films.

Our third question was 'what would make you want to see a good film?' With this question, we wanted to see why our target audience watched short film, and what we needed to do to get people to watch our film. Through our questionnaire. we found that most people watch a short film because of the plot (12 people) If we don't have a good plot. then our audiences would get bored and uninterested and watch something else. We would need to keep them engaged and a good plot would do this. As we are only a small budget film, well known actors is not an option for us.

Our fifth question was 'How often do you watch dramas?' This was to get a rough idea of how often our target audience watches the genre we are doing. This got some good responses with everyone watching dramas at least a few times a year. However, the answer came to a draw with 7 people watching them once or twice a week and with 7 people watching them a few times a month. From this we concluded that our target audience watch dramas regularly.
Our fourth question was 'what is the most important convention when watching a drama?' This helps Sam and I get a feel for why people, specifically our target audience, watch dramas, and this is what we can focus on for our film. Through this we found that music and props were not that important to our audience (0 votes) however the most popular was an interesting plot with 11 responses (61.11%) The plot has to be interesting to engage the audiences and to keep them watching, therefore this is what we need to do with our film.
Our final question was 'Have you watched any of these dramas?' with answers such as Titanic, Cyberbully, The fault in our stars, Trust and The perks of being a wallflower. There was a fault with this question as you couldn't pick multiple answer, therefore you had to pick your favourite drama. Also, there were only 17 respondents instead of 18, which means someone didn't answer this question. However, despite this, we found that the most popular drama picked was Titanic with 10 people (58.82%) picking it. Whereas no one has watched the film Trust.