Film Ideas

Our final film idea is about a girl called Ava who gets bullied, and it's the day in the life of her. Our main character is hopefully going to be played by Lauren who is an A Level Theatre Studies student. We have chosen our locations, which is going to be a bedroom where she wakes up, a school bus where you begin to realise that she is being bulled, a school where her bullying heightens and we see her in the classroom. The casting would be simple as the 'bullys' could be our friends. Filming as well would be quite easy as we can use someones house, and we could use Parkstone Grammar School. Our plan on the right shows our original ideas of what happens with similar films that either we have both watched or are going to watch. This helps us get an idea of how different films portray bullying, and might give us some ideas.
We chose this film idea as bullying is happening all around us and everyone knows about it. With 1.5 million young people in the UK have been bullied within the past year and two out of 10 of those were bullied every day, this is a staggering amount, Our film will show a teenager being bullied every day, and how this impacts her.
Our first idea was going be a horror film, which surrounded the idea of a ouija board, with different teenagers trying to speak to the supernatural. For this we would look at the film Ouija which came out in October 2016, to give us ideas. This gave us many problems, one that included casting. We would need to find a load to teenage people who would be willing to film and re film. Most teenagers will be focusing on exams and revision, and therefore might not be willing to re film. Another problem would also be location as we would have to find somewhere abandoned or dark, however we would also need lighting which would go over our budget. As we are only A Level students, our budget will not be that high, and ouija boards can cost over £30 and Sam and I weren't keen on spending that much money on something we wouldn't use again. Also, when Jan, a script writer came in to talk to us, he told us that supernatural ideas would be too hard to do, and that we would have to create a backstory. But this would be too difficult in the time we have and on our budget. Our plan on the left was a basic plan we did regarding the film, with ideas that we came up with, however through careful consideration, we decided this idea would not work and therefore thought of another idea.
Our next idea was going to be a drama film about this man's food that goes missing and he later discovers that someone else is living in his house. We planned this film idea and got a film name for it, However, casting would also be a problem, as the character would have to be an older male or female and Sam and I don't really know anyone that age who would be willing to be in our film. However, we liked the idea of the film as it was different.

Ava Synopsis
An alarm clock is going off in the bedroom of Ava, a teenage girl of 17. The girl reaches over to her phone and turns the alarm clock. She then proceeds to go back to sleep. Her mother shouts up for her to get up. Reluctantly, Ava decides to get to of bed, and she goes into the bathroom getting ready for school. Ava then walks downstairs and walks to eat breakfast with her parents. Her parents show their annoyance to her attitude, and tells her that she is going to be late for school.
On the bus, Ava notices people from her school, and she goes to sit down, putting her headphones on. The bus arrives at school and Ava walks to meet her friend Louise.
The bullying starts again in the classroom as they are trying to do work, and the bullies snigger and laugh at Ava.
Things get worse for Ava over lunch time when she sees Louise sitting with the bullies. She then proceeds to sit and eat lunch alone.
After school, Louise tries to catch up with Ava, which leads to an argument and Louise walking off. Having had enough, Louise decides to pack her bags and run off.