This is our script for our film 'Ava.' We used word and found a template called 'Screenplay' We split the roles for this, with me writing the script and Sam doing the storyboard. This is our final draft of the script. A script is a vital point when planning for our film. This gives us a set structure of what we need to do, and it gives our actors a clear instruction of what to do. We changed the script a couple of times, re drafting the process, as we came up with different ideas.


This is our storyboard for our film Ava. In our storyboard, we included the different shots that we are using. All in all we used 36 different scenes. Our storyboard is different to the script as our storyboard includes the different shots we are going to use, whereas the script is used to show actions, actors and speech. The storyboard helped us develop our script, giving us different ideas.
Our storyboard last year was done electronically, however this year we chose to get an online template and draw it out. Sam decided to draw the actions that the actors would take, and while I was writing the script I would help her with the writing and the dialogue. When writing the storyboard, we would also analyse what camera shot would look best with this action to make it more effective.